

Autumn is an ideal time to go through a detoxification programme.

You’ll be needing energy for the long winter days.

Cleanse your body so you can take vitamins for getting extra energy!

We recommend Basic Mulier FX Mayr Liver Detox Regimen, if you have:

  • a feeling of tiredness and demotivation
  • chronic fatigue syndrome
  • skin problems
  • candida infections
  • stomach bloating
  • loss of memory
  • problems with indigestion
  • excessive weight gain or weight loss
  • a tendency towards premature aging
  • insomnia
  • the need for extra energy for yourself, your family or your job

Detox program under professional guidance.

Detox program, you’ll love it!


Autumn Seasonal Food

It’s essential to eat seasonal food, meaning mostly vegetables and fruits.

Autumn brings us such treasures and these include grapes, apples, plums, tangerines, pomegranates, quince, walnuts, almonds, beans, peppers, potatoes, apples, spinach, chard, collards, lemon, grapefruit,
olive oil, honey, mushrooms, fish, goat milk, cheese, chestnuts…


Autumn menu

Breakfast: Bruschettes with fresh goat cheese, oregano and olive oil

Snack: Walnuts and apples

Lunch: Sardines fried in lemon

Recipe: Place the sardines in olive oil and add 2 cloves of garlic, cut and add round slices of lemon and a little rosemary. Add a little water and cook for about 20 min. Serve with rice with ham.

Snack: Chestnuts

Dinner: Baked celery slices with bark and a little bacon on it


Autumn swimming

The most beautiful swimming season is in Autumn.

Enojy the warm seawater, mild sunshine, fresh air and autumn colours.

We offer NATURAL KNEIPP BATHS under professional guidance.

Enjoy the bathing in the sea. Give your circulation a boost.

You can optimize your energy levels even more with mud wraps and lymphatic drainage.

Order your individual tailor–made programme by emailing us at


Autumn Activities


Mountaineering on Velebit in the fresh alpine air while enjoying views of the islands will give you a new dose of health.

You’ll be able to sense the sage and heather all around you.

Make some tea on your own using fresh plants that you’ll find.

We offer Mountaineering Tours to suit your age and physique.

Hike on the Educational Route from the entrance of Velika Paklenica National Park (a 1 degree of difficulty).

The Velika Paklenica Canyon Route with a lunch break (a 3.5 degree of difficulty) organised for the Weight Loss Management programme.

The Adventure Rujno Route (a 5 degree of difficulty) organised for the experienced participants.

The Velika Paklenica Canyon Route (a 1.5 degree of difficulty) organised for the Mulier Fx Mayr Liver Detox Regimen programme.

The short version Business Team Building Route – (a 2 degree of difficulty) organised for the Staying Healthy in Business programme.

The long version Business Team Building Route– (a 1.5 degree of difficulty) organised for the Staying Healthy in Business programme.

The route difficulty is graded from 1 (the easiest) to 5 (the most difficult)


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    Meri Bura, MD
    Meri Bura, MD

    Intoxication, obesity, Thyroid problems, fatigue - require healing for both, souls and bodies. Body healing begins with a change in diet. The soul is healed with professional support and investment in knowledge. "Life is too long to be sick and too short to take too long."

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