Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is such a widespread diagnosis that almost everyone knows about it already.
In America, it’s even popularly called Hashi.
If you have these symptoms, you might also suffer from this insidious disease:
– Difficulty concentrating
– Demotivation
– Fatigue
– Physical weakness
– Hair loss
– Hoarse voice
– Swallowing difficulties
– Weight gain
– Swelling of hands, feet, face
– Reduced libido or loss of libido
– Muscle and joint pain
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is an inflammation of the thyroid gland.
If this inflammation is not treated, it leads to thyroid gland deterioration, and along with the above-mentioned symptoms, the following may also occur:
– Weight loss
– Anxiety
– Panic attacks
– Sweating
Pay attention to the following symptoms that indicate the onset of the disease:
– Constipation or constipation
– Diarrhea
– Bloating
– Acid reflux
So, warning symptoms come from the abdomen!
All diseases start in the head and in the intestines.
Stress originates in the head, and the first symptoms appear in the abdomen.
This means that whenever something happens with the abdomen/digestion, we need to understand that we are on the highway leading to illness. If digestive symptoms are already present and you want to interrupt the progression of the disease, you must find the cause.
And the cause is always in the head.
We all carry our mental stress with us. With such chaos in the head, the body craves equally chaotic food we call fast food.
Any food made quickly and eaten quickly, even in your own home, is fast food. A hamburger bought on the street and leisurely chewed is less harmful than when you prepare a quick meal at home and eat it in stress.
The word itself indicates the biggest problem with consuming this food: eating speed.
It’s like driving a car that can go a maximum of 160 km/h at 180 km/h or more.
That’s what we do to our digestion. We press the gas pedal to the floor.
The basic fact we forget is that digestion needs peace and time.
In addition, digestive organs need energy, and under pressure, they use much more energy than they should.
Day by day, hour by hour, bit by bit, we’re running out of energy.
Why the hurry?
We hurry because we are unconscious, that is, we are not aware of the present moment.
Eating becomes the same. We eat, but we think we have to eat as quickly as possible to tackle the next task.
One of the key things that leads to illness and a key factor in healing is the speed of eating.
Yes, it’s that simple.
Yet so complex and impossible, so we seek complicated solutions.
Why are we in such a rush?
Why do we remain unconscious?
Because we live false lives and don’t want to see it. We close our eyes by constantly hurrying. If everything were okay, we wouldn’t be in a hurry.
We would gladly stay in that moment when we eat, when we work, in all those moments we are now escaping from.
I’ll just mention that presence is the main remedy for healing, especially in advanced diseases. If you want to talk about “presence,” feel free to contact me for a conversation at mulier@mulier.hr
We live in lies because we don’t know what the truth is.
The truth is that we were born to be happy as we are.
The truth is within us.
But we ignore the truth, we live in lies, and then we run away from it.
This creates mental stress, which is added to dietary stress.
Here is the key to getting sick, and therefore, the key to healing.
Hashimoto’s is an inflammatory disease; it’s not primarily a hormonal disorder but an inflammatory and immune disorder.
However, 90% of Hashimoto’s patients develop hypothyroidism, which eventually becomes a hormonal disorder.
Furthermore, Hashimoto’s can make us look less attractive when the neck swells due to goiter.
As Hashimoto’s causes 90% of hypothyroidism, we must consider both inflammation treatment, autoimmune disorder treatment, and hormonal disorder treatment simultaneously. Three diseases in one, a lovely package.
Treating reduced thyroid function or hypothyroidism goes hand in hand with treating the adrenal gland.
As I mentioned earlier, stress begins in the head and manifests itself earliest in the abdomen.
So, pay attention.
One of the first signs of stress that you have undoubtedly forgotten (and now you already have Hashi), which you should have paid attention to, for example:
– Shortness of breath in the abdomen when you realized who you married
– Constipation when you had too many tasks and planned even more
– Diarrhea from fear of bosses
– Lower back pain from fear of credit (a significant portion of back pain is due to inflamed intestines)
– Severe stomach pain after spending time with people who make you vulnerable and in situations that humiliate you
– Bloating from ignored depression
– …you know the rest.
If you had paid attention to these symptoms, then you would have:
resolved communication with your spouse – stood up for yourself, reduced the number of tasks, learned the job better than your boss, gained self-confidence, stopped taking out loans, distanced yourself from “bad” people, healed depression.
In that case, you would have healed your life, you would have healed yourself.
Because that would be the path of truth. You would do what makes you feel strong and confident.
You wouldn’t put yourself in difficult situations; you would choose the easiest.
But reality is different.
We think that something will change, that it will get better.
So, we stay in bad relationships with spouses, create more and more obligations for ourselves (which always implies less and less fun!), do a job we are not talented or educated for, greedily and thoughtlessly take out loans because we must have everything, socialize with people who don’t like us and don’t care about us, remain depressed without seeking help…
And then one day we become terribly tired.
Tired of our compromises.
And the body begins to show fatigue resulting from accumulated stress.
Our accumulated stress has now damaged the adrenal glands and the thyroid gland.
The most significant stress occurs between the ages of 35 and 50, scientifically confirmed.
Adrenal glands that secrete cortisol respond to every mental stress, stressful thought.
However, cortisol is a drug which we cannot do without.
Cortisol wakes us up in the morning and reminds us that we are alive.
It is secreted in high concentrations in the morning to wake us up, keeps us awake during the day, and decreases in the evening to allow us to sleep.
But constant cortisol secretion under stress leads to chronically high concentrations.
After that, automatic cortisol secretion occurs even when there is no stress. Because stress remains in the head. A habit.
Since cortisol controls the production of thyroid hormones, the function of the thyroid gland changes.
Cortisol controls both the thyroid and digestion.
I hope you control your digestion too, because that’s where you get all the information.
After some time, the reverse response follows – cortisol is low in the morning, so we can’t wake up, and it’s high in the evening, so we can’t fall asleep. We wake up feeling like beaten cats, barely make it through the whole day, and then stay awake all night. This is where adrenaline comes into play, trying to raise our blood pressure to help us survive the day, but it can cause heart palpitations and high blood pressure, leading to anxiety.
Eventually, cortisol drops to low levels throughout the day, and this condition is called adrenal fatigue syndrome.
It manifests as low blood pressure, heart palpitations, exhaustion, frequent urination, thirst, craving for salty food.
There are no problems with the thyroid without problems with the adrenal glands.
However, the situation is often not simple, and a treatment protocol needs to be determined. Exhausted adrenal glands are always the peripheral victims.
At the beginning, it’s necessary to question the path that led to this, so the focus should be on the pancreas, liver, intestines, or adrenal glands.
Iscpljivanje svih ovih organa vodi u bolest.
We destroy the pancreas with sugary food, the liver with excessive food and medications, the intestines with dietary stress, and the adrenal glands with mental stress.
At least we know the path to recovery is to eliminate stress.
Eliminating stress doesn’t mean separating from your husband, but rather knowing how to communicate with him and asking for what you need.
Eliminating stress doesn’t mean quitting your job, but mastering details and demanding situations.
Eliminating stress means distancing yourself from people who don’t like you.
We have all experienced this.
This image of the life of a 30-year-old or 40-year-old woman with ambitions (family and/or business) is a typical example of stress and the journey from health and happiness to illness and lifelessness. Later, in their 50s, women wake up, want to dedicate themselves to themselves, and want to regain their health. Sometimes it’s possible, sometimes less so.
The question is how rough and uncaring you’ve been towards yourself.
How rough it is to bring your body to strong inflammation, exhausted adrenal glands, reduced thyroid function, autoimmune response. The question is, do you know when enough is enough? Or are you trampling a dead body.
So, chronic illness begins in the mind and manifests with initial symptoms in the digestive tract.
If it’s about Hashimoto’s, it manifests as autoimmune inflammation diagnosed by elevated antibody titers and findings indicating reduced thyroid function.
Sometimes, some women (women are the most common patients, but men also get Hashimoto’s) have symptoms but not elevated antibodies. This is in cases of early-stage disease, weakened immune system, or imbalance of the Th1 and Th2 immune systems.
Apart from mental stress and wearing out the body through its working capacity, other causes of Hashimoto’s easily tie into a weak body and promote the development of the disease: zinc deficiency, selenium, iron, infections with the Epstein-Barr virus, Borrelia, mycoplasma…
But the inflammation underlying all these problems is inflamed intestines.
Whether you want to hear it or not, we are responsible for this.
We brought ourselves into the situations we are in, but we did the best we knew at the time.
Maybe in the past, we didn’t have enough knowledge to do better. So now we’re learning – for a better, healthier life.
Hashimoto’s starts as an inflammatory disease – let’s reduce inflammation.
If it persists, it damages the thyroid and causes hypothyroidism (sometimes, much less often, hyperthyroidism) – reduce inflammation and treat the thyroid.
If it lasts a long time, it damages immunity – treat inflammation and boost immunity.
If it lasts very long and the antibody titer is very high, it means the body has been stressed for a long time and the adrenal glands are exhausted – treat inflammation, thyroid, liver, pancreas, intestines. In all cases, eliminate stress – use knowledge – that’s the only way.
We’ll best reduce inflammation with an anti-inflammatory diet protocol. Protect the thyroid and adrenal glands by conserving energy, eliminating stress, and maintaining a healthy diet (which doesn’t just mean healthy food).
Protect the pancreas by cutting out sweets.
Protect the liver by being mindful of what you consume and how.
Protect the intestines by eating slowly, cooking food for a long time, eating healthily, and not making compromises.
Treat your illness holistically.
The Greek word “holos” has 2 meanings, whole and holy.
Wholeness is therefore sacred.
Your body and soul need to be connected, healthy, living in truth.
The only truth is what your soul desires.
Live by your truth, move away from compromises, learn to communicate, ask for what you need, slow down, give time and attention to how and with whom you eat.
First and foremost, you must decide that you want to be healthy.