A food intolerance test is an obligatory HEALTH SERVICE for all clients at any programme upon the participant’s arrival.
A food intolerance test (EAV test) is carried out using the method by Dr Voll and complies with modern diagnostic requirements. It measures the biologically active points that indirectly reflect the condition of the organ or tissue under examination.
The point represents the organ’s or tissue’s state of health (or the presence of a disease) deep in the body.
INSTRUCTIONS for the food intolerance test (EAV test):
- On the day of the test, the person is not to take any medication (except medication that should be taken regularly) nor tea, coffee, alcohol or cigarettes
- During the EAV test, the person has to remove all metal objects from themselves (jewellery, watch, eyeglasses, hairpins)
- The EAV test requires the participant to hold a passive electrode in one hand, while the doctor tests bioactive points using a metal electrode on the other hand. The procedure is painless.
- CONTRAINDICATIONS: the presence of an implanted electrical cardio-stimulator and large metallic implants are sensitiv to electric current flows. This procedure is not recommended for first trimester pregnancies.
The food intolerance test (EAV test) provides:
- A quick estimation of a functional food (in)tolerance
- Diagnostics of latent (intolerance) processes
- Information for recommending the most adequate diet
- Information for recommending the most adequate therapy
Besides the anamnesis and physical examination, a food intolerance test provides precise information based upon which recommendations can be made for personal diets and ongoing therapy, if necessary.