Women’s health, anti-aging, European holistic medicine

Women’s health, anti-aging, European holistic medicine

Lecture on February 7, 2019, Verba Mayr clinic – Moscow

On Natural Health and Beauty of Women.

Women’s Health, Anti-Aging, European Holistic Medicine

LECTURER: Dr. Meri Bura
DATE: 07.02.19
TIME: 13:00 – 14:00
LOCATION: Verba Mayr Clinic, Moscow

Dr. Mary Bura is a member of the Fx Mayr International Physicians Association and is one of the most successful speakers at conferences and a regular collaborator at the Original Fx Mayr Clinic.

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    Meri Bura, MD
    Meri Bura, MD

    Intoxication, obesity, Thyroid problems, fatigue - require healing for both, souls and bodies. Body healing begins with a change in diet. The soul is healed with professional support and investment in knowledge. "Life is too long to be sick and too short to take too long."

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